By Beth Sullivan
As a Land Trust, Avalonia is held to
standards and practices that ensure that we monitor our properties
regularly to make sure they are being preserved and protected as
intended in the deed at acquisition.
All Avalonia properties are open to
the public. Some may have regulations about usage, and some may have
restrictions about access into certain areas that may be fragile
habitats or nesting sites.
Avalonia Preserve sign marks the island. Retrieving the tires will take a bigger boat. |
Not the typical perimeter walk
As stewards it is our responsibility
to get out to all preserves, walk and view the boundaries and make
sure our neighbors respect our properties as well. Most of the time
it is pretty easy to do the monitoring-trails loop through, and often
the boundaries are viewed from the trail. Sometimes boundaries go
right through a wetland, which is a bit tricky. Doing those when the
ground is frozen is helpful. Sometimes the land lines run smack
through dense thicket, briers and impassable vines. Those are
downright impossible but often we can say that if we can’t get
through, likely no one else can either!
A small pool, deep and clear, provides an interesting habitat. |
As we reviewed our list of preserves
that still needed monitoring this year, there was one, Ram Point,
that no one had been to or documented. A review of the maps
revealed that the only way to access the property was by water. Land
access was through someone’s very exclusive private driveway, and I
did not have contact info.
We were very lucky that we happened
to choose the most perfect October day to set out for our monitoring!
We were grateful to Mystic River Marina for letting us launch our
kayaks from their docks. On a beautiful warm late afternoon, the tide
was very low, and it was an easy paddle, even against the wind and
the tide, to the very tip of Mason’s Island’s most southerly and
westerly point along the Mystic River.
Diverse habitats. from rocky shoreline and salt marsh, to shrub land and taller trees, support a variety of birds. |
At low tide there were shoals
surrounding the point that were quite cobbled, not sandy. They were
occupied by Gulls foraging for crabs and flying over and dropping
their clams onto the rocky substrate then swooping down to gather the
feast. There were a few shorebirds still picking in the wrack lines.
Most of the four acre parcel was of low elevation, but there was
just enough of a rocky knoll to support some beautiful old Oak trees
as well as Sassafras and Cedars. The thickets were alive with
birds. Blue Jays were raucously flitting through the tree tops, while
masses of Yellow- Rumped Warblers worked the Bayberry and Groundsel
The rocky cobble along the shore and tide pools full crabs are perfect foraging for Gulls and other shore birds. |
A small rocky knoll of higher elevation supports larger trees. |
Diverse habitat
Getting out and walking the
perimeter, I was struck by the diversity on such a small piece. On
the west side were the rocky shores, the south shore was more solid
rock, like a headland, and around to the east side there was a band
of lovely salt marsh with peat edges at the shoreline. Closer
examination showed how the salt marsh edge is literally crumbling
away into the water as higher tides eat at it and undermine it.
On the east side, the salt marsh shows signs of undermining and crumbling as a result of rising tides. |
There was a lovely central area of
wetland-a salt marsh with Spartina grasses and marsh plants . The
Salicornia, Sea Pickle to most kids, was now red with cooling fall
weather. I had hoped to walk in farther, but the entire area was
“guarded” by a battalion of Poison Ivy plants! The most
variable and tolerant plants along our coast, they were vining and
twining, and some were actual full sized shrubs. Gorgeous red
leaves, even at this time of year, promised a painful punishment if I
chose to walk through any further, so the remainder of the boundary
was viewed from a distance!
Large bushes of poison ivy provide lovely fall color, but prevent further exploration. |
The center of the preserve is a salt marsh. |
It is not too
late in the season for a paddle out and around Ram Point. The water
is warm still for wading in. But at the very least, remember it for
a summer visit next year.
Photographs by Beth Sullivan