by Edin Sisson and Alaine Zhang
Green frogs sound like a banjo being plucked! |
Land Conservancy owns a large variety of wild habitats and local ecosystems and
its mission is to steward and manage these habitats in a way that benefits both
their ecological health and the communities surrounding them. In order to aid in these intentions, one
crucial group of animals must be considered as both a concentration of care and
a tool to gain insight on environmental health within Avalonia’s Preserves: Amphibians.
Frogs, toads and salamanders are complex organisms that are not only intriguing
but are important to focus on when studying local ecology. During the past
semester as students at Connecticut College, we partnered with Avalonia to help
create awareness of amphibian life on our local preserved lands. In order to do
this, we collected data weekly regarding the intensity of frog calls and wanted
to create a blog post that reflects the significance of frogs within the areas
Vernal pond at White Cedar Swamp |
are three main groups that Amphibians are categorized into; urodeles, anurans,
and gymnophiones. Urodeles are composed of newts and salamanders, anurans
include frogs and toads all of which are vertebrates. Gymnophiones are also vertebrates but have no
limbs, and are otherwise known as caecilians. Amphibians are one of the oldest
types of vertebrates and are distinctive because they live on both water
and land at some point during their lives. Frogs and toads spend their early
stages of development with gills, and then develop lungs and limbs to be able
to survive on land as well. This unique development is what makes vernal pools,
swamps, and shallow areas of ponds such great habitats for them to live. In
addition to lacking hair and laying eggs, frogs and toads are exothermic,
meaning their internal temperature is externally regulated by factors such as
the sun. Frogs and toads are active during the spring and summer and hibernate
during the rest of the year, usually in the mud of ponds. What we hear most
frequently in the spring are the male mating calls, sung to attract females.
The males fertilize the eggs after they are laid, during a process called
external fertilization. In order to gain the upper hand over other males during
mating season, they practice amplexus, in which they climb onto the female and
wait for her eggs to be laid so that they can be the ones to fertilize them.
Depending on the frog species, mating happens at different times during spring,
the duration fluctuates as well depending on factors such as temperature and
climate. There are some key differences between true frogs and true toads. True
frogs are skinny with smooth, slimy skin and long legs. They leap and jump
fairly long distances, and they have an upper jaw with small teeth. Frogs also
lay eggs in large, often round, clusters. Toads, on the other hand, are
generally warty and dry, live mostly on land, have fat bodies with short legs,
and don’t hop that far. They also do not have teeth and lay their eggs in long
strands rather than clumps.
White Cedar Swamp is great habitat for frogs! |
spring we focused on frogs specifically, which can be hugely beneficial to us
as humans, and to the ecological systems on Avalonia’s lands. They control
insect populations as they are the main part of their diet, as well as
providing food for predators such as fish, mammals, reptiles, and birds. With
their skin and eggs being especially permeable, frogs are very sensitive to
factors such as pollution, UV light, disease, and microscopic organisms. The
pores on their skin allow them to absorb gasses like oxygen through their skin
to breathe, but they also make the organisms prone to environmental changes in
the water or air. When the pH of water or soil, for example, becomes too low
and therefore acidic, materials such as heavy metal dissolve more easily, and
therefore create toxins that are unhealthy for the local ecosystem. When
exposed to these toxins, frogs are some of the first animals to die, or have
mutations. Their small size also makes them susceptible to fatal environmental
factors before larger animals like humans even become aware of the issue. There
are many reasons for frog population decline including habitat loss, non-native
species, climate disruption, parasites, and over-collection by humans. However,
where frogs are generally locally
abundant, they are a great, accessible resource for scientists to use to study
the changing environment. By recognizing fluctuations in frog populations and
breeding time, we can observe what environmental issues might be problematic
within our area here in Connecticut, and if possible, address them in
productive manners.
Pond at Pequotsepos Brook Preserve |
exploring both Avalonia’s Pequotsepos Brook Preserve and White Cedar Swamp, we
heard three main species of frogs: The Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer), the
Green Frog, (Rana Clamitans), and the Pickerel Frog (Lithobates
palustris). Spring Peepers are small frogs active from the end of the
winter until the late fall and the most abundant frog species that we heard at
our Avalonia sites. The Green Frog is a green or brown colored frog that feeds
on insects as well as small amphibians. Green Frogs usually mate in April and
early May but can continue into the summer months. Their call sound similar to
the buckling of a banjo, which we heard during our final visits to White Cedar
Swamp. Finally,
we heard the Pickerel Frog at Pequotsepos Brook Preserve, which is a
medium-sized frog with a lower-pitched call. It is also dark-colored somewhat
rectangular dark spots and yellow or orange on the underside of its legs.
performed research on the intensity of frog calls this spring under the
protocols of the national Frog Watch USA organization. This organization calls
upon trained volunteers all over the US to collect data on local populations of
frog species and use it to monitor population decline, environmental changes,
and potentially make positive steps to protect species countrywide. With the
mission statement of Avalonia being to “[preserve] natural habitats in
southeastern Connecticut by acquiring and protecting lands and by communicating
the value of these irreplaceable resources,” these goals align extremely well,
especially when applied to the conservation of the wetland habitats that
Avalonia protects. By monitoring frogs on Avalonia’s lands, we can observe and
analyze behavioral and population changes that could correlate with
environmental concerns that negatively impact the ecosystems we cherish.
Works Cited:
“Frogwatch Training Manual.” FrogWatch USA,
Marshall, John. “Indicator Species: Using Frogs and Salamanders to
Gauge Ecosystem Health.” GRIT: Rural American Know-How, 2021,
Mosseso, John J. “Green Frog.” Connecticut Frogs and Toads,
“Pickerel Frog.” Virginia Herpetological Society,
Virginia Herpetological Society, 2021,
Signs of the Seasons: A New England Phenology Program, The University of Maine Cooperative Extension,