Land Conservancy is excited to host an educational and
informational event at 5:00 pm on Sunday,
September 29 at the La Grua Center in Stonington,
CT entitled "The Land Conservation Process: From
Acquisition to Stewardship". Attached is a
save-the-date card that highlights the date, time and
place. Additionally we will be sending out an invitation
with more details in early September.
non-alcoholic beverages and light appetizers will be served
after the presentation. This event is free and open to the
public, so please mark this on your calendar and invite a friend to
join you and/or meet some new friends at this event. Space is limited
so kindly RSVP by September
20th to 860.884.3500 or avalonialc@yahoo.com
You can also RSVP via Avalonia's Facebook page.