Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Update on Birdhouses on Knox Preserve

Photo By Beth Sullivan

It has only been a week since Tom Frohnapfel and his group of home school students and Avalonia volunteers put up the 12 Bluebird houses on the Knox Preserve. I am thrilled to report that one box has had a beautiful Male Bluebird in and out over several days. It’s too early to tell if there is real nesting going on; but at least there is interest. Other boxes have attracted Tree Swallows, and on one occasion there was quite a squabble among several swallows, over what must have been prime territory!

Many thanks to Tom who initiated the project, requisitioned and obtained the lumber from UBS in Westerly, cut and fashioned the houses and organized the students and guided the construction and decoration.

His children, Fiona and Ethan were instrumental in setting them up that day. It was great to see students, both college and elementary age, working together for the birds!

If you go to Knox, take your binoculars and keep your distance. Please let us know what you observe.

Written by Beth Sullivan.

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