Beth Sullivan
spring was lush. Vegetation grew overtime as if trying to make up
for the lost time of the drought last year. This abundance supported
an excess of flowers, fruits and seeds, as well as an excess of
insects that appreciated all the growth. A great year to be a bird!
early birds got not only the worms, but all the best nesting sites.
Those species that nested first were those resident birds who had
their territories all staked out before the migrants arrived. Our
Cardinals, Chickadees, Titmice, Woodpeckers, and Wrens nested
first and raised their young on the abundance of insects of early
summer. But they also got off to a quick start because they were
able to enjoy the seeds of late winter, and seeds at our feeders.
Many of these species had second broods, and may occasionally try a
The busy House Wren filled several boxes with twigs and chose this as her first of three nests this summer |
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The resident Cardinal started early and raised two families under the kitchen window. |
Migrants move in
migrants came next to find their niche: the tree top Warblers,
Tanagers, Orioles, and Hummingbirds to name a few. These are not
seed eaters; they rely on the plants to offer nectar in flowers and
small insects in the foliage. They will not begin to nest until there
is adequate food to support their nestlings. Each year we await the
arrival of the Hummingbirds and Orioles which seem to be timed with
the blossoming of my Quince bush. It’s a great nectar source for
both birds. Of course we can’t resist offering the feeders with
sugar water to bring them in close. Somehow the Orioles seem to
vanish into the fields and shrub edges, but the Ruby-Throated
Hummingbirds have now fledged their two youngsters and the
populations at our feeders and flower gardens have truly exploded.
Hummingbird antics are great to watch and even ferocious at times. I
can’t help imagining what these displays might be like if these
little dynamos were as big as Robins.
The Orioles do not appear until there are flowering fruit trees. Photo by Dennis Main. |
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This young Hummingbird is learning her way around the feeder and the bees. |
young birds of prey are out now and are probably the noisiest.
Osprey, Broad-winged and other hawks all have young fledged now.
While they may be able to fly, they sure haven’t mastered the art
of feeding themselves, so they call for parents who can deliver the
fish and small mammal prey that also seem to be abundant this year.
This young Broad-Winged Hawk squeals all day, waiting to be fed. |
Diets of seeds and berries
it is the birds of later summer that often intrigue me: specifically
the Goldfinches and the Cedar Waxwings. While these birds do eat
insects, they wait until their truly favored foods are most abundant
before starting a family. Both of these species do not begin nesting
until August.
is this month that the grasses have matured, holding their seed heads
high and offering their fragile stems to the fluffs-of-gold Finches
so they can pick the ripening seeds. They also rely on downy
material for their nests. It is only now that many of the field
flowers are offering up their seeds with the fluffy down parachutes
that will help the seeds disperse. It’s a little early for most of
the Milkweed pods to be opened, but some are. There are numerous
field flowers related to wild lettuce and Hawkweeds that have white
fluffy seeds held aloft. Thistles, even the invasive ones, are
beginning to open up and with Goldfinches on top, can be so
beautiful: bright yellow near the purple flowers, picking seeds and
down. A Goldfinch nest is a masterwork of softness.
Cedar Waxwings prefer berries. Only now are some of our local bushes
bearing fruit: Viburnums, Virginia Creeper Vine, some Dogwoods and
of course some of our own favored blueberries and raspberries can
attract Cedar Waxwings if they can beat the Catbirds. They are
nesting during August and will feed their young an abundance of
fruits as the summer advances.
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Goldfinches can be seen on late summer grasses, picking seeds. |
The Cedar Waxwing appeared to be attacking this spider web, but was pulling fibers for its nest. |
Knox Preserve and Preston Nature Preserve are two places to find
these later-nesting birds. The Waxwings will be whistling higher
among the shrubs and cedars and the Goldfinches will be calling and
perching in the grasses in the field.
some time to sit still, listen to the sounds of the later summer:
Cicadas, Crickets, and all the birds. Think of the cycles of the
seasons and how everything has its place. Somewhat of a miracle to
by Beth Sullivan unless otherwise noted.
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